In the frame of our E3C3 Interreg program, LCS in Caen (Dr Thibault-Starzyk) and the CoMo group in Cambridge (Dr Kraft) collaborate on catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 for producing last generation biofuels and sustainable renewable fuels. Cold plasma is a new method for performing CO2 dissociation and its reaction with hydrogen efficiently, but other approaches are under study.

We organise a three days workshop on this topic, to gather together, in a remote and quiet place, members of the INTERREG project with international experts in the use of reactive plasma and of CO2 dissociation and valorisation processes. In situ diagnostic and operando monitoring will particularly be discussed. The place chosen for this workshop is the small island of Tatihou, within walking distance (at very low tide) of the Cotentin peninsula, in Normandy. This isolated and quiet place is ideal for an efficient and reasonably sized workshop. The dates of the workshop will be 2-5 March 2014, and there will be place for 30 people. The announcement was published on http://www.e3c3.eu/actualites (see attached)

Here is tentative program

2/3 Sunday afternoon – arrival
11h45 Paris Saint Lazare Station – 13h52 Caen
14h00 Caen – 14h56 Valognes
15:15 Shuttle to the harbour in St-Vaast-la-Hougue (arrival 15:45)
17:00 Boat
17:47 Low Tide, possible crossing for late comers.3/3 Monday HT 11:00 LT 18:30
09:00 Olivier Guaitella “Plasma surface interaction at medium and high pressure”
09:45 Richard Engeln
10:30 break
10:45 Pooya Azadi
11:30 Stefan Welzel
12:30 lunch
14:00 Ioan Schneider “Electron/molecular cation reactions in plasmas”
14:45 Vasco Guerra “Reactive Plasma for Building Molecules: the Role of internal energy”.
15:30 FTS “Operando monitoring of cold plasma in heterogeneous catalysis”
16:15 Break
16:30 Elodie Fourré “In situ DRIFT analysis coupled to non thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure on the decomposition of volatile organic compounds”
17:15 Simeon Cavadias “Liquid fuels  from carbon dioxide and hydrogen: a way to safely transport and distribute, hydrogen. What non thermal plasma can do?”
18:30 Break – Low Tide
19:30 Dinner4/3 Tuesday HT 11:45 LT 19:05
09:00 Catherine Dupeyrat “Non-thermal plasma for methane reforming by CO2”
09:45 Sebastien Thomas “CO2 methanation as a mean to store energy”
10:30 break
10:45 Nuno Pinhao “Methane reforming using CO2”
11:30 Gary Bond “Microwave Plasma for the Dry Reforming of Methane”
12:30 lunch
14:00 Possible Boat to the coast, back at 16:00
16:00 Ramses Snoeckx
16:45 Round table discussion
19:30 Dinner

5/3 Wednesday
09:00 leaving boat
09:45 Shuttle to the station in Valognes
10h49 train Valognes station to Paris Saint Lazare station 13:45

If you are interested, please contact Frederic Thibault-Starzyk <fts@lcs.cnrs.fr>. Accommodation and registration costs will be paid by the INTERREG project.

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