Welcome to the Laboratoire Catalyse & Spectrochimie

From preparing advanced materials...

... to studying how they work at the molecular level.

The Catalysis and Spectrochemistry Laboratory (LCS) is renowned for its research into porous materials, with strong skills in the design and preparation of microporous materials, such as zeolites, and the study of porous materials by operando spectroscopy, i.e. the observation of the material as close as possible to its operating conditions. Thanks to these complementary skills, the LCS occupies a unique position in the study and optimization of catalytic or adsorption processes, with multiple applications in the fields of materials for energy conversion or pollution control.

Nos tutelles

Our teams

The laboratory’s expertise is based on 2 teams:

  • Spectrocat: development of in situ and operando spectroscopies for molecular-scale understanding of heterogeneous catalysis, adsorption, separation and …
  • Zeolites : Rational design and synthesis of porous zeolitic materials for various applications in catalysis, adsorption, sensor …

Our facilities

The LCS boasts state-of-the-art equipment, grouped together in 4 technical platforms:

  • SYNTHESIS – Materials synthesis and adsorptiometry
  • VISIO – In situ and operando vibrational spectroscopy
  • NMR – Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  • CATALYST– Catalytic testing

Research at the Catalysis and Spectrochemistry Laboratory

  • Upgrading and transformation of energy resources (methane, hydrogen, bioresources, etc.)
  • Production of clean fuels or major intermediates for the chemical industry.
  • New applications and processes, advanced conversion techniques (heterogeneous catalysis, plasma catalysis, photocatalysis, etc.).
  • Pollution control (NOx, SOx, VOCs, soot, etc.) from fixed or mobile sources, Air purification
  • Gas separation (CO2, hydrocarbons, etc.)
  • CO2 recovery


Founder and former director of the Laboratoire Catalyse & Spectrochimie, Jean-Claude Lavalley passed away on October 9, 2024. We were very fond of him, and his death fills us with great sadness.

He welcomed many of today’s LCS researchers to the laboratory and guided and trained us in what came to be known as Caen’s infrared school. 

His work continues to set the standard for the catalysis community. On his retirement in 2000, a special issue of Catalysis Today retraced his career in  a short preface reproduced here.
Since 2000, he had kept a close eye on the Caen team and followed its work, continuing to participate for many years, first as an emeritus, then as a friend and science enthusiast. 

Every meeting with him was, until recently, an opportunity to discuss the developments and advances achieved. He always commented on them with benevolence and expressed his criticisms with great caution, but continued to give us the benefit of his Cartesian mind and his profound rigor.

Jean-Claude will always be warmly remembered. Like the rest of the French catalysis community, we will also remember his scientific legacy.

Svetlana Mintova Receives The “Flanigen Lecture Award” in Materials Science at Honeywell UOP 2024

We are proud to announce that Svetlana Mintova from LCS-CNRS-ENSICAEN-Normandy University, Caen has been honored with the prestigious Flanigen Lecture Award in Materials Science at Honeywell UOP 2024.

This award recognizes her significant contributions to the field of zeolite chemistry. Through her pioneering research, Mintova has showcased the versatility and future opportunities of nanozeolites, marking a significant milestone in the advancement of this critical area of materials science.

In her speech, Mintova expressed her gratitude:
« By building upon the foundation laid by Edith Flanigen, I have further highlighted the versatility and future opportunities in the field of nanozeolites. Thank you, Honeywell UOP, for the continuous support throughout the years and for this extremely honored prize. ».

Congratulations to Svetlana Mintova for this well-deserved recognition!

News and Events

Post-doc (H/F) : Technologie de réacteur catalytique chauffé électriquement à réponse-rapide pour la réDUCTion du CO2 (e-CODUCT)
News and Events
Post-doc (H/F) : Technologie de réacteur catalytique chauffé électriquement à réponse rapide pour la réDUCTion du CO2 (e-CODUCT)

Missions Synthèse de catalyseurs à base de zéolithe pour la réaction CO2 + H2S = COS + H₂O Activités ➤ Optimisation des conditions de synthèse.➤ Caractérisation physico-chimique des produits de réaction. ➤ Modification post-synthèse des matériaux synthétisés. Compétences Compétences en synthèse

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recrutement technicien
Non classifié(e)
Recrutement: Technicien-ne électrotechnicien-ne (BAP C)

Poste réservé aux titulaires et CDI CNRS & fonction publique L’électrotechnicien-ne recruté(e) sera chargé(e) de réaliser, à partir de schémas, l’implantation des matériels, le montage, le câblage et le test des dispositifs électrotechniques ; Il/elle aura également pour mission d’assurer

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Journées scientifiques 2024 LABEX EMC3 - GS-MES
News and Events

Les jeudi 13 et vendredi 14 juin 2023 se tiendront les journées scientifiques conjointes du LabEx EMC3 et de la Graduate School Materials & Energy Sciences à Ensicaen – Campus 2 – Bâtiment A – Caen. Antonella Esposito et Antoine MAIGNAN représenteront le LabEx EMC3 et

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6 Bd Maréchal Juin, CAEN, FRANCE

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