Review article: Nanosized inorganic porous materials: fabrication, modification and application

by Haoquan Zheng, Feifei Gao and Valentin Valtchev
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C6TA04684C


Owing to their nature nanosized inorganic porous materials exhibit novel properties, different from those of bulk solids. This review highlights recent developments in the synthesis and unconventional applications of nanosized inorganic porous materials including zeolites, microprous carbons and mesoporous materials. The factors controlling the formation of nanosized inorganic porous materials are reviewed. The preparation, functionalisation, and advanced applications of nanosized inorganic porous materials in free and fixed forms are summarized. A comprehensive analysis of the emerging applications of microporous nanosized inorganic porous materials in the field of catalysts, biomedical applications and energy-related applications are presented. Finally, the future needs and perspectives of nanosized inorganic porous solids are addressed.

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