[Position Closed] : PhD

Context and description of the project

This research project aims at allowing exhaustive analysis of large amount of spectroscopic data in order to provide new insights in the comprehension of catalytic materials/phenomena.

The LCS pioneered the use of tools developed and applied in other areas such as 2D-COS spectroscopy, exploratory multivariate analysis methods (PCA, EFA, …), or flexible spectral modelling (MCR-ALS, …) using home-made or existing programs. This project will aim at (i) integrating the existing methodologies in a suite of tools (ii) adapting other methodologies to the suite and (iii) use these tools to gain scientific knowledge through new experiments (new spectroscopic data recording) on selected catalytic systems of interest for TOYOTA.

Starting period / salary

The project shall start as soon as possible for a three years duration.

The gross salary (with tax) will be about 1750 € => 1400€ net salary/month

Candidate Background / required skills

Applicant should hold a Master thesis or equivalent.

Programming experience ideally with Python or an experience in scientific programming languages (Matlab©, Scilab, C/C++, Pascal, …) is  mandatory.

Knowledge in Chemometric analysis of multivariate data is essential.

Knowledge on IR spectroscopy / spectroscopic techniques would be an additional asset

General knowledge on materials science would also be an additional asset

Languages: English high level is essential for communication with the industrial partner

Basic knowledge in French would be a plus for laboratory everyday work

To apply for this position please first send a detailed CV and an application letter to either :

Dr Olivier MARIE – olivier.marie[at]ensicaen.fr

Pr Arnaud Travert – arnaud.travert[at]ensicaen.fr

After a first selection, the chosen candidates will be contacted for further interview.

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