Ph. D defense – Vera Bikbaeva – Metal-sulfide materials for ethane conversion in presence of CO2

Date: 16/12/2022 – 14:30 – CNRT room conference


Metal-sulfide materials for ethane conversion in presence of CO2 Ethane processing is a large industrial branch for high-valuable chemicals production. Steam cracking of oil fractions is the major process currently used to produce ethylene. An alternative ethane conversion strategy is the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane with CO2. Thus, the present study is devoted to oxidative ethane dehydrogenation (ODH-CO2) and ethane dry reforming (DRE). The ethane conversion with CO2 is performed on the principally new types of catalysts – metal sulfides (KGaS2) and metal sulfide-derived carbides, the latter being grafted on embryonic zeolites. Carbides are found to be flexible catalytic systems with tunable properties for ODH-CO2 and DRE. The set of experimental data proves a carbon-negative process with ethylene selectivity (89-98%) and reactants conversion comparable with steam cracking parameters. The PhD thesis also reports the first application of thiogallates for thermal catalysis. The obtained results open new perspectives for thiogallates application as hydrogenation catalysts (ethylene selectivity 87-96%).

Key words: embryonic zeolite, ODH-CO2, catalysis, CO2 utilization, ethylene production, sulfide catalysis, carbide catalysis.

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