FEZA Young Researcher Award for Dr. Eddy DIB

Dr. Eddy Dib, project leader at the Center for Zeolites and Nano-porous Materials (CLEAR) at the Catalysis and Spectrochemistry Laboratory (LCS), was awarded the first ‘Young Researcher Prize’ at the 9nth conference of the Federation of European Zeolite Associations (FEZA) held in Portorose, Slovenia, between July 2 and 6, 2023.

The prize, sponsored by Total Energies, was awarded to Dr. Eddy Dib for the application of new solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance methods on zeolites. The studies of Dr. Dib are concerned with defects in these materials, their pore structures and the distribution of heteroelements, as well as the interactions of organic molecules in zeolite pores.

Dr. Dib will join the CNRS as a research fellow in Orléans at the start of the new academic year.

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